Cheap Shared Hosting, Dedicated Hosting, and cheap VPS Hosting Reviews and Coupon Codes

Úvodní stránka:Cheap Shared Hosting, Dedicated Hosting, and cheap VPS Hosting Reviews and Coupon Codes

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Web hosting is a service that makes you able to post your web pages on the internet.
A web host is a provider of technologies which are needed for your pages to be viewed on the internet. Websites are hosted or stored on some powerful computers which are called servers. You upload your HTML, CSS, and other media files on these servers and these fast and powerful computers make your files accessible to the people all over the world. When a user wants to visit a website he simply puts the web address in his browser and then the browser makes the request to the server and server returns the desired website which is requested by the user.
If you want host your website on a server your need to purchase a domain from domain registration company or you can also purchase domain name from the web hosting service provider.
Type of Web Hosting
There are many types of web hosting, when you create a website, you buy web hosting according to your need. There are four types of web hosting issues.

Shared hosting
Dedicated hosting
VPS hosting
Cloud hosting

What is shared hosting
As the name itself suggests, many websites are using the same server in this type of hosting. You are using many websites simultaneously using the same RAM's space RAM and CPU, so it is much cheaper for you than another hosting. Just like if you use your car to go somewhere, then you will have to spend more money, while if you travel on a bus, you will save a lot of money. If you exceed the bus at the time of travel, then you may face a problem, in the same way, shared hosting also sometimes encounters some problems like if your website starts getting more traffic then your website is slow. Goes and hangs sometimes and your youth gets to see a technical error. Read this Hostgator Review and Coupon codes article to get the best shared hosting offer!
What is dedicated hosting
In dedicated server hosting, you have the right to the entire server, it has many advantages, but it is very expensive compared to other hosting because only your website is being hosted on the entire server, so it is completely under your control. You can change your staff rating system and other settings. The advantage of dedicated posting is that you can avoid the loss due to high traffic, it involves speed and performance of your website, in which you get full speed to your business, it does not disturb your life in any way.
What is VPS Hosting?
VPS hosting can be understood as a mixture of both shared and dedicated hosting. In this model, you have a dedicated server but this server is a virtual server and not a physical one, let us understand in some detail: Here a server is divided into several different virtual servers. A virtual server is provided for a website and only the right is on that part. Here a website gets more space, computing power and bandwidth than shared hosting, hence page load time becomes much faster than shared hosting in VPS hosting. It is not better than dedicated hosting but it is better than shared hosting. If you feel that traffic is coming to your site is very high volume, then you should know that it also has some limitations in VPS hosting.
Most of the hosting providers offer following features for your web hosting
Email Accounts
Web hosting companies provides options to have email accounts on your domain name. For instance you have website “” you can have and email account like this “
FTP Files
FTP files upload makes you able to upload your html files from your computer to your web server.
Wordpress Hosting
Wordpress is one of the most popular CMS in the world. It takes the major share in the CMS market. Most of the hosting companies provide web hosting solutions for wordpress.
Following are the requirements to host your Wordpress website

PHP Version 7 or Greater
MySQL Version 6 or Greater

Miscellaneous Services:
Almost all of web hosting service providers offer some miscellaneous services like Script Debugging, Support when there is email failures or when you have to get Renewal for your web hosting.
Why You Need Web Hosting?
You need web hosting because when you purchase a domain name it is only name identifying your business but this name also need some location to reside somewhere. For that location you need a web hosting service provider which will provide location for your website to hosted on it.
It can explained as you need to buy space on a server for you files to uploaded. When you have your files ready on your computer these files need server space to be available on the internet. You rent this service space for specific amount that you pay monthly or annually.
You can also have your own server at your home. But it needs a very powerful processor and very high Ram. It will also need and operating system like Linux or Windows. It will cost you much time and money and you also have to technically very sound.
But benefit of getting services of a web hosting company is that all the back end issues like repairing the servers and maintaining the severs is all done by the web hosting provider company and you have free time to other work of your business.
There are many web hosting services providers available but you should do first deep research to get best hosting plan that caters to your needs.
The more benefits of web hosting can explained as when you get your website hosted on free platform like Blogger you have to follow their terms and services your website can taken down for minor misconduct against their rules.
When you take free hosting your branding is affected by the brand name of the free hosting provider. You don’t have full control and customization options. But when get get your own web hosting plan you have control own your resources and you can make customization s according your wishes.
When you get your own hosting plan you get more options to upload plugins and themes of your own choice.
You also get better security when you get your own hosting plan. Cheap Shared Hosting, Dedicated Hosting, and cheap VPS Hosting Reviews and Coupon Codes -
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